2024 | September 5 - The Day Terror Went Live (September 5) |
2019 | Roads (Roads) |
2017 | Kindeswohl (Children Act, The) |
2016 | Legend of Tarzan (Tarzan) |
Snowden (Snowden) | |
2015 | Cinderella (Cinderella) |
2011 | Twixt - Virginias Geheimnis (Twixt) |
2010 | London Boulevard (London Boulevard) |
2009 | Bildnis des Dorian Gray, Das (Dorian Gray) |
2008 | Ich & Orson Welles (Me and Orson Welles) |
2007 | Mein Freund, der Wasserdrache (Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, The) |
2006 | Two Weeks |
2005 | Chromophobia |
New World, The (New World, The) | |
2004 | Stage Beauty (Stage Beauty) |
2002 | Birthday Girl (Birthday Girl) |
Mord nach Plan (Murder by Numbers) | |
2000 | Lost Souls (Lost Souls) |
1998 | Schmale Grat, Der (Thin Red Line, The) |
1997 | Erbin vom Washington Square, Die (Washington Square) |
1996 | Lügen haben lange Beine (Truth About Cats & Dogs, The) |
1993 | Was vom Tage übrig blieb (Remains of the Day, The) |