2017 | Table 19 - Liebe ist fehl am Platz (Table 19) |
2015 | Night of the Living Deb (Night of the Living Deb) |
2014 | Married |
Gotham (Gotham) | |
2011 | New Girl (New Girl) |
2009 | State of Play - Stand der Dinge (State of Play) |
2008 | Nie wieder Sex mit der Ex (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) |
2005 | Robot Chicken (Robot Chicken) |
2004 | Dr. House (House M.D.) |
2003 | Nip/Tuck - Schönheit hat ihren Preis (Nip/Tuck) |
2001 | Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Visier (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) |
1999 | Law & Order: New York (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) |
1998 | Will & Grace (Will & Grace) |