1948 | Words and Music |
1947 | Weg nach Rio, Der (Road to Rio) |
1945 | Charlie Chan in Mexiko (Red Dragon, The) |
1944 | Up in Arms (Up in Arms) |
1943 | Draculas Sohn (Son of Dracula) |
1941 | Dive Bomber (Dive Bomber) |
1939 | Drunter und drüber (It's a Wonderful World) |
Swanee River (Swanee River) | |
1938 | Tarzans Rache (Tarzan's Revenge) |
1936 | Wedding Present |
1935 | Murder by Television |
1934 | Dragon Murder Case, The |
Richest Girl in the World, The | |
Dark Hazard (Dark Hazard) | |
1933 | Sweepings |
Only Yesterday | |
1932 | First Year, The |
Back Street (Back Street) | |
Emma, die Perle (Emma) | |
1931 | Strictly Dishonorable |
1928 | Thief in the Dark |
Four Sons |