2022 | Monstrous (Monstrous) |
Wednesday (Wednesday) | |
2021 | Matrix Resurrections (The Matrix Resurrections) |
2020 | 50 States of Fright (50 States of Fright) |
Percy (Percy) | |
2016 | Mütter & Töchter (Mothers and Daughters) |
2014 | Lizzie Borden Took an Ax |
2013 | Schlümpfe 2, Die (Smurfs 2, The) |
2012 | Bel Ami (Bel Ami) |
2011 | Bucky Larson - Born to Be a Star (Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star) |
2010 | Alpha and Omega |
2009 | After.Life |
Good Wife (The Good Wife) | |
New York, I Love You (New York, I Love You) | |
2008 | Speed Racer (Speed Racer) |
2007 | Black Snake Moan (Black Snake Moan) |
Saving Grace (Saving Grace) | |
2006 | Penelope (Penelope) |
2005 | Grey's Anatomy - Die jungen Ärzte (Grey's Anatomy) |
Verflucht (Cursed) | |
2003 | Anything Else (Anything Else) |
I Love Your Work (I Love Your Work) | |
Monster (Monster) | |
2002 | Pumpkin (Pumpkin) |
The Gathering - Ich sehe das, was du nicht siehst (Gathering, The) | |
2001 | Prozac Nation - Sex, Pillen und Lou Reed (Prozac Nation) |
2000 | In stürmischen Zeiten (Man Who Cried, The) |
Malcolm mittendrin (Malcolm in the Middle) | |
Prophezeiung, Die (Bless the Child) | |
1999 | Sleepy Hollow (Sleepy Hollow) |
1998 | Desert Blue |
Buffalo '66 (Buffalo '66) | |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) | |
Pecker (Pecker) | |
The Opposite of Sex - Das Gegenteil von Sex (Opposite of Sex, The) | |
1997 | Ally McBeal (Ally McBeal) |
Dieser verflixte Kater (That Darn Cat) | |
Eissturm, Der (Ice Storm, The) | |
1996 | Schutzlos - Schatten über Carolina (Bastard Out of Carolina) |
1995 | Casper (Casper) |
Geheimnis des Bärenfelsens, Das (Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain) | |
Now and Then - Damals und Heute (Now and Then) | |
1993 | Addams Family in verrückter Tradition (Addams Family Values) |
1991 | Addams Family, Die (Addams Family, The) |
Auf die harte Tour (Hard Way, The) | |
1990 | Meerjungfrauen küssen besser (Mermaids) |
1989 | Die Simpsons (The Simpsons) |
1975 | Saturday Night Live (Saturday Night Live) |