2019 | The Assistant (The Assistant) |
2016 | Equity (Equity) |
Sully (Sully) | |
2013 | Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn (Goat) |
2011 | A Gifted Man (A Gifted Man) |
Person of Interest (Person of Interest) | |
2009 | Good Wife (The Good Wife) |
2007 | Gossip Girl (Gossip Girl) |
2004 | Boston Legal (Boston Legal) |
Dr. House (House M.D.) | |
2001 | American Desi - Mein amerikanischer Freund (American Desi) |
Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im Visier (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) | |
1999 | Law & Order: New York (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) |
The West Wing: Im Zentrum der Macht (The West Wing) | |
1994 | Emergency Room - Helden im O.P. (ER) |
1990 | Law & Order (Law & Order) |